Wadi Araba

Wadi Araba A Desert of History and Nature

Wadi Araba, also known as Arabah or Aravah, is a geographic region in the south of Palestine, stretching from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. It is part of the East African Rift System, a series of valleys and mountains that extend from Syria to Mozambique. Wadi Araba forms the border between Israel and Jordan, and it is mostly a sandy desert with some oases and springs. Wadi Araba has a rich history and culture, as well as a diverse flora and fauna. Here are some of the highlights of this fascinating area.

History of Wadi Araba

Wadi Araba has been inhabited since ancient times by various peoples and civilizations, such as the Edomites, the Nabateans, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Crusaders, and the Ottomans. It was also an important trade route that connected Egypt, Arabia, and Syria. Some of the historical sites and monuments that can be found in Wadi Araba are:

  • Petra: This is one of the most famous and impressive archaeological sites in the world, dating back to the 6th century BC. It was the capital of the ancient Nabatean kingdom, and it is carved into the red sandstone cliffs of the desert. You can explore its magnificent monuments, such as the Treasury, the Royal Tombs, the Roman Theater, and the Street of Facades, with a professional guide who will tell you about the history and culture of this ancient civilization.
  • Aqaba: This is a coastal city that has a strategic location on the Gulf of Aqaba. It was founded by the Edomites in the 14th century BC, and it was later conquered by the Nabateans, the Romans, the Arabs, the Crusaders, and the Ottomans. It was also the scene of a famous battle during World War I, when T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) led an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire. Today, Aqaba is a modern city that offers many attractions and activities, such as beaches, diving, shopping, and nightlife.
  • Lot’s Cave: This is a cave that is located near the Dead Sea, where Lot and his daughters took refuge after fleeing from Sodom and Gomorrah. According to the biblical story, God destroyed these two cities with fire and brimstone because of their wickedness. Lot’s wife looked back at the destruction and turned into a pillar of salt. Lot’s daughters thought that they were the only survivors in the world, so they got their father drunk and slept with him to preserve their lineage. The cave is now a religious site that attracts pilgrims from different faiths.

Nature of Wadi Araba

Wadi Araba may seem like a barren and inhospitable land, but it actually has a lot of natural beauty and diversity. It has different ecosystems and habitats, such as mountains, valleys, plains, oases, springs, wetlands, and coral reefs. It also has many species of flora and fauna that are adapted to the harsh conditions of the desert. Some of the natural attractions and wildlife that can be seen in Wadi Araba are:

  • The Red Sea: This is a sea that separates Africa from Asia, and it is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by the Suez Canal. It has a rich marine life that includes more than 1,000 species of fish, 200 species of coral, and various mammals, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates. It is also one of the best diving destinations in the world, with clear water, colorful reefs, shipwrecks, caves, and walls.
  • The Dead Sea: This is a salt lake that lies at the lowest point on Earth’s surface (417 m below sea level). It has a salinity of about 34%, which makes it impossible for any life to exist in it (hence its name). However, it has many benefits for human health and beauty, such as mineral-rich muds, therapeutic waters, and buoyancy effects. It is also a popular tourist attraction, with resorts, spas, and beaches.
  • The Caracal: This is a medium-sized wild cat that lives in Wadi Araba’s savanna areas. It has a reddish-brown coat, black-tufted ears, and long legs. It is an agile hunter that can prey on rodents, birds, and small mammals. It is also known for its ability to leap high in the air and catch birds in flight.

How to visit Wadi Araba

If you are interested in visiting Wadi Araba, you can Email Us on Info@egypttor.com  or you can return and book Petra Tour From Sharm El Sheikh

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